Weather & Web Resources
Clear Sky Clocks
Satellite Weather Imagery
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IR Image

Water Vapor Image

Observing Resources
This moon applet is attributed to 'Chris Cobb' on many other astro sites... unfortunately, the link they provide goes to, well, a site we won't go to!
This moon and Jupiter applets are from the Night Sky Observer.
To learn more about moon phases...
Click on the ? for more information
Aurora Borealis
Columbia is a pretty far south to see the aurora borealis or Northern Lights on a regular basis. On very rare occasions, we get lucky when there's a strong solar storm. Below are some indicators from other sites that I have found useful for determining if aurorae will be visible at this latitude.

for more details, please visit, the Real Time Dst Estimate Web Page

for more info about the auroral oval, please visit POES Auroral Activity