
For over 50 years, Midlands Astronomy Club, Inc. (MAC) has existed to further the general knowledge of Astronomy in the South Carolina area. This continuing goal is shared by our members, representing many walks of life. Our members have a great range of expertise, from beginner to advanced, with a few professionals. You could say that we are definitely a group of enthusiastic amateurs. No matter what degree of experience in Astronomy you have, I know that the members will welcome you and be glad to share their knowledge.
Our bylaws detail the goals of MAC, but simply stated, they are to educate persons interested in Astronomy. The forum for this education is fostered by the atmosphere of fellowship provided at monthly MAC meetings and observing sessions.
Feel free to call on any board member with ideas, suggestions, or questions. We will try to provide answers to all of your astronomical questions and will make the effort to implement ideas or suggestions.
The Midlands Astronomy Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Clear skies!
Mike Roberts
President, MAC, Inc.
The MAC monthly meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at PRISMA Medical Park 9, Room 130 located at 9 Medical Park in Columbia, SC. On occasion we are forced to change our usual time and/or location due to scheduling conflicts. Information for our next meeting is posted on the right sidebar of this page.